Friday, October 9, 2015

5 Indispensable Tips to Better Secure Your Password

mobile device management

A strong password protects you from enormous security threats &cyber-attacks often done with criminal intents to misuse your personal information. In this era of digitization,millions of passwords are compromised daily. In this fast moving time, you have to keep up with the technology and increasing demands of advanced services to secure your identify.

Common mistakesand how to shield yourself

1:  Simple Passwords
Indeed the most common mistake! Prohibit yourself from using nicknames, birthdate, age, “qwerty” and the alike, since these ask for no sweat from the hacker in cracking passwords.

Solution:Use at least 8 character passwords inclusive of upper-lower case letters, special character, numbers etc. “Face Crypts” Password generator allows you to create a password with instant strength.

2: Reusing same password

Using same password for different sites is another common mistake giving advantage to hackers.

Solution: Make sure to use different passwords for different accounts. Remembering so many passwords won’t be a concern if you have Face Crypts Vault with you.

3:Avoid Dictionary words

Password hacking tools makes it effortless to crack passwords if common slangs, keyboard combinations, dictionary words etc. are kept as passwords.

Solution: Install security software like “Face Crypt’s- Face Lock, unique face recognition technique” and secure your personal data with your image.

4: Easy Security Question

Choosing easy security question and giving a direct answer to it is another blunder that may cost you password hack.

Solution: Answer security questions such that they are easy for you to remember and hard for others to Guess. You can pick a favourite movie line or nursery rhyme for instance.

5.Applied Sciences

Contrary to traditional hacking, it involves provoking others to disclose your private info.

Solution:Do not share your confidential credentials with others. Secured browser service of “Face Crypt” gives you the freedom to in complete privacy and thus minimizing the risk of password leaking in case of using shared systems.Download the App here:

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